Stigma Reduction

92 Percent of firefighters say stigma is a barrier to seeking behavioral health treatment, like PTSD

Mental Health Stigma is crippling individuals ability to seek help. The only way to end the stigma is collectively. Here are some ways you can help.


Trauma is trauma, whether it is physical or mental, it needs to be addressed. If you suffered a deep cut to your hand, or a broken ankle you would seek professional help. Why don't we look at mental trauma the same way? If we experience something that is affecting our daily lives then we need to seek professional help to start the healing process. Don't let it fester and get "infected", early treatment can lead to quicker healing.



Showing compassion for each other is an easy way to help someone through a tough time without having to feel like you're prying into their personal space. 

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” – Leo Buscaglia


Sympathy vs. Empathy

  • Sympathy and empathy are both emotions that involve feeling for another person, but they have different degrees of emotional involvement. 
  • Sympathy is feeling compassion, sorrow, or pity for the hardships or misfortunes that another person encounters. 
  • Empathy is putting yourself in the shoes of another, understanding and sharing their feelings as if they were your own. 
  • Empathy is a deeper and more personal connection than sympathy.

Here is a quick video better explaining the difference.

Sympathy vs Empathy


In a career as competitive as the fire service, seeking help can be seen as a weakness. However, struggling with mental health is a battle that keeps you from being at 100%.

"Offering to help is easy. Asking for help is the hard part." -Jen Mueller

"Ask for help, not because you are weak, but because you want to remain strong." -Les Brown